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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Student Moms, Studiying Tips!

Either you are returning to school now or going in for the first time everyone, mostly moms, find themselves with not enough time to study, work, take care of the kids, and have dinner ready at 5:00p.m. Student moms have it the hardest. Other than having a "double life" which means a home life with kids, and or with husband, and also a educational life with books and homework; moms have to find a balance a middle ground. This blog entry is for student moms.

Earlier today I was looking for some tips online to give to you, student moms, and I found a website were this young woman gives 6 tips for career success. The tips are for those moms who are studiying to become MD's, but I believe that applies to all. Here they are:

"1) Anytime, anyplace, anywhere!
-Carry a book or notes with you at all times. You can sit learning drug
names while waiting for your coffee or appointment. A group of moms used to meet
at a local ball pit for group study sessions, studying while the kids played.
Moms soon adjust to noise levels, think of it as good practice for focusing when
there are many distractions nearby. Not wanting to advocate studying while
driving, but one mom taped formula sheets over her car and when there was a red
light, she would quickly read one and test herself on whether she could remember
it at the next stop. (Of
course, be safe and
don’t break the law!)

2) "Short and sweet - Don’t rule out
half-an-hour study sessions. You may feel that you need a long session to learn,
but you’ll be amazed what you can learn in 30 minutes. Thirty minute blocks of
study here and there soon add up.

3) "Take breaksallow yourself 15
minute breaks after about 50 minutes of study. When you start re-
reading the same thing
over and over again, or your mind wanders – take a break. Put the laundry on, do
a quick household chore, check email, do some yoga or glance at a trashy
magazine. Do whatever you like, as long as you keep it to 15 minutes or so.
You’ll return refreshed and your brain will be alert

4) "Make Your Study Area Yourswherever you are, make sure that your study area is comfortable and has what
you need close by. Get the books you need, pens, calculator etc. That way when
you have time to study you won’t waste it sorting out your study area or
distracted. "

5) "Planorganize what you need to
do. Any assignments that must be done by a specific date get them done first.
Some moms do them immediately just in case a child gets sick or some other
crisis occurs. You can be way ahead of the game! Leaving things till the last
minute is a recipe for disaster. Sort out which topics most need your attention.
Make sure the subjects you dislike get more attention than those that you love!
You could learn anatomy like a pro and fail biochemistry because you never quite
got around to learning the dreaded citric acid cycle! The disliked topics often
have a habit of showing up in exams.

6)"Don’t be too hard on yourself. -Time and
time again we hear
medical student
moms wishing that they could do better, get more work done and
get higher scores. Remember, you have sooo much more going on that other
students. Don’t compare your grades with others; just be happy with what you
have. A pass is a pass! When the going gets tough, remember you can do

Thank you for reading!

Have any questions? Hant some answers? Just leave me a comment!


If you want more information about studiying moms there are two websites that are really good about it which are and

Source: MomMD (quoutaded parts)


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